EMI and RFI materials play an important role in preventing interference to devices with electronic components, and as technology continues advancing, the materials used in these applications must also support these advancements.
NEW 3M™ Electrically Conductive Tapes for EMI/RFI Solutions
Posted by Ben Hvidston
April 4, 2024 11:03 AM
Topics: EMI Shielding, Material selection, 3M, Foil Tape, Electronics, Electrically Conductive Tapes
There are many EMI shielding materials to choose from when determining how to effectively control EMI within an electronic device. In this post, we focus on die-cut foil tapes for EMI shielding. Foil tapes with conductive adhesive provide effective shielding properties as the thin foil layer ensures good electrical contact with the component surface. Let's take a look deeper at EMI and why foil tapes may be the best-suited material for your application.
What is EMI and Why is it Important?
Electromagnetic interference is unwanted “noise” or interference in an electrical path or circuit caused by an outside source. EMI can be caused by natural or man-made sources and can cause electronics to malfunction or to completely stop working. Therefore, EMI shielding and grounding components are important pieces in the design of electronic devices.
Topics: EMI Shielding, Foil Tape